Monday, May 24, 2021

The Dallas Lace Society

Second Quarter Newsletter

May 2021

President’s letter - May 2021

We had another enjoyable zoom get-together. It was good to catch up with those that could attend.

It is very important that all members who have volunteered support services to the group, demonstrated lace, or attended a zoom meeting total their hours for Debbie’s report to IOLI. We are required a certain amount of hours to maintain our charter. The time period is from the last of April 2020 to the last of April 2021. Send the guestimate total to Debbie as soon as possible.

Activities are getting organized for the IOLI virtual convention. Registration will begin May 15 for members and June 1 for non members. Be sure to check it out at There is a sneak peak of the classes that will be offered.

Sherry is working on a virtual display room of lace that has been or is being made, pictures of your favorite things, or anything related to lace that you would like to share. She will be sending out the details soon. Sherry is also organizing a virtual display highlighting each charter group. She would like one representational picture from each group. We discussed some ideas for our group. Arthiss suggested, if we got to work fast, we could each make a flower and create a garden picture of all of them together. Or maybe use butterflies and make a swarm (flock) picture. Another suggestion was a photo of our banner or a group photo. Perhaps everyone already has a bookmark made that we could collect and form into a picture. Any other suggestions? We would need to have it to Sherry by mid June.

Our biggest discussion was about having live meetings again. The library is only open for picking up books and brief browsing so that space is out of the question. The new library will be open sometime this summer but who knows if it will be open for meetings by then. You can check out the details about the new building at, choose programs and then forest green wish list. As we discussed last month, we made a $200 donation.

Back to live meetings - we decided we could meet in someone’s home as long as we are vaccinated, could wear masks if that makes anyone more comfortable, and keep a good distance between us. Arthiss, Debbie and I offered our homes for meetings. If you think you would be interested in attending a live meeting please let me know. Kelly has offered to bring the party cart and snacks to the first meeting.

Our next business meeting will be August 3, 2021. A week late due to convention.

Best wishes to you all,


DLS Library News

The Dallas Lace Society is your source for all types of bobbin lace books. The Library is available online at ONLINE at LIBIB.COM. If you would like to reserve a copy of any of the books in our library, please contact Arthiss and make arrangements to pick the book up at her home. You can reach Arthiss at


Both are subject to cancellation due to COVID

Plano Quilt Show - Oct. 8,9

State Fair of Texas Sept. - Oct. 2021


May 16 – Norell Mounger

May 27 – Jackie Campbell

May 30 – Rowena Billow

May 31 – Peggy Talley

June 2 – Hiroco Okuno

June 7 – Sherry Mathers

June 17 – Karen Hickman

June 21 – Barbara Roth

July 20 – Pat Bailey

July 22 – Debbie Stone

July 30 – Dorothy Morgan

July 31 – Paula Moss

I.O.L.I. UN-CON 2021

Registration for this years' Un Con is open so go to the IOLI website to find out about the scheduled events and available virtual classes.

Sherry is putting an exhibit together for our region and would like for us to send photos of any work we wit=sh to display this year. Tatting, bobbin lace, knitted and crocheted lace are all welcome. Pieces can be framed or not, finished or not or even a favorite piece you acquired at some point that you find special. Add a caption if you want to. Send your pictures to Sherry at The deadline is June 15th.

Arthiss is also putting together a montage of our favorite flower, bird, butterfly projects. Please photograph your projects and send it to Arthiss by June 15th.


Our class with Louise Colgan is scheduled for Sept. 25, 26, & 27th 2021. It's on but we're still not sure if it will be live or virtual. Stay tuned for future updates.

FYI – Check out Louise's new website

Margarita Pie


1 cup Graham cracker crumbs (12 squares)

3 Tablespoons powdered sugar

¼ cup frozen (thawed) margarita mix concentrate

1 pint (2 cups) lime sherbet, softened

1/3 cup frozen (thawed) margarita mix concentrate

3 Tablespoons tequila, if desired

2 cups vanilla frozen yogurt, softened


In small bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs and powdered sugar.

Stir in ¼ cup margarita mix until crumbly.

Press mixture firmly into bottom and sides of 9-inch glass pie pan.

In large bowl, mix sherbet, 1/3 cup margarita mix and tequila.

Gently swirl in frozen yogurt. Spoon mixture into crust, spread evenly.

Cover, freeze 4 to 6 hours or until firm.

Top with dollop of whipped cream and slice of lime

Membership in The Dallas Lace Society

for 2021 is due January 1st

The cost is only $15 a year. Kathy is updating membership information and will contact you for any additional information needed. For questions or a new directory, contact our membership chairman Kathy Ogle at

We currently have 31 members.

All Meetings have been canceled due to the pandemic!

Once it's over with, meetings will resume – Every Tuesday at Forest Green Library, which is moving soon to it's new location on Greenville, just south of Forest.

11 am to 3 pm

*Second Saturday of each month from 1 pm to 4 pm

*barring scheduled library events

Next business meeting will be July 27th, 2021

Check in for more information later as it may be on ZOOM again.

Our facebook page is a great way to keep others in our group posted on your progress on projects as well as getting answers to questions.

To contribute content or edit info for our next newsletter, contact

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