Monday, February 22, 2021


The Dallas Lace Society

First Quarter Newsletter

February 2021

Happy Valentines Day


Hello members of DLS,

I hope you are all staying well. We had a lively zoom business meeting this January. It was wonderful to see those that could join and to catch up with one another. We were very grateful to see Rowena and Arthiss looking stronger and feeling better. Unfortunately Dorothy has contracted COVID but so far not too ill. We certainly hope that it stays that way and no one else in the family becomes sick.

Our January zoom party went well. The exchanged gifts were all lovely. Sherry Mathers won the puzzle prize of Elena Cola’s Madonna and Peggy Talley won the door prize of Elena’s beautiful doily. We are always so excited that Elena shares her beautiful lace with us. We have 4 small doilies and a lot of tape lace and hearts that Elena uses for making her famous angels, dolls, and pillows to share when we can get back together again.

Kelly reported that the roof has gone onto the new branch of the library. Maybe it will be finished about the time that we are ready to have person to person meetings again. Can’t wait for that day!

We do have a Milanese workshop scheduled with Louise Colgan on September 25 to 27 of 2021. At this point, of course, we don’t know if we will be able to hold it or in what form it might be. Louise has been perfecting her remote teaching capabilities. Sherry Mathers and Heather Norris are taking a remote workshop with her soon so we anxiously await to see how that goes. Knowing Louise I’m sure it will be perfect. Can’t trust those internet goblins though.

Some of us have signed on for the workshop of March 5 to 7 put on by the Houston lace guild at Camp Allen near Navasota. Louise will be teaching a remote class and Judy Aycock will be guiding a class at Camp Allen. Our own Cathy Morris will be teaching a short course on Honiton lace. There are still some spots open if you have an interest. Contact Judy Aycock at for details.

Arthiss told us of some new library books that have been donated to us. She will send Kelly a list and Kelly will post it on DLS Facebook and/or blogspot. Contact Arthiss if you would like to check out any of these books or others. We also voted to purchase a USB version of Idrija Narrow Tape Lace Techniques (uses few bobbins!) from Henkel Productions. Allie Marguccio is the instructor. This is the group that produced Louise’s Milanese Hummingbird video that so many of us have used to begin Milanese lace. Check with Arthiss in a few weeks if you would like to borrow the new Idrija USB.

We also discussed whether we would want to demonstrate at the Plano Quilt Show scheduled for October 8 - 9 of 2021. We gave a tentative “yes” as we will have to see how safe we feel as October nears.

We have listings in our directory of Charter Members and of members who have been voted Honorary Lifetime Members. However we would like some way of noting members that have died during the years. Maybe a listing in the directory each year of those who have passed or some other way of keeping track. Kelly will be collecting information to get this organized and she and Kathy will decide how or if it should be in the directory. If you have any information or ideas please let them know.

Susan Merritt mentioned that Karen Hickman could point you to some good videos about making Czech lace.

Kathy reminds us to send in our $15 membership dues for 2021. Be sure to let her know of an emergency contact if you would like that listed in the directory.

That is a brief summary of our quarterly business meeting. Hope to see you on zoom soon, Marilyn

Christmas/New Years' Party

January 2021

Everyone had a wonderful time at our Zoom Holiday Party! Several participated in the Lece Exchange. These beautiful gifts are displayed throughout this newletter.

Library News

The Dallas Lace Society is your source or all types of bobbin lace books. The Library is available online at ONLINE at LIBIB.COM. If you would like to reserve a copy of any of the books in our library, please contact Arthiss and make arrangements to pick the book up at her home. You can reach Arthiss at


January 9 – Linda Cole

February 8 – Opal McCleary

February 18 – Kelly Day

February 28 – Liliana Wahl

March 7 – Kathy Ogle

March 20 – Stacy Tackett


Our class with Louise Colgan has been rescheduled for Sept. 25, 26, & 27th 2021! It is possible that it may be a “virtual” class. You'll just have to try and stay busy until then.

FYI – Check out Louise's new website

Membership in The Dallas Lace Society

for 2021 is due January 1st

The cost is only $15 a year. Kathy is updating membership information and will contact you for any additional information needed. For questions or a new directory, contact our membership chairman Kathy Ogle at

We currently have 31 members.


Both are subject to cancellation due to COVID

Plano Quilt Show - Oct. 8,9

State Fair of Texas Sept. - Oct. 2021

All Meetings have been canceled due to the pandemic!

Once it's over with, meetings will resume – Every Tuesday at Forest Green Library

11 am to 3 pm

*Second Saturday of each month from 1 pm to 4 pm

*barring scheduled library events

Next business meeting will be April 27th, 2021

Check in for more information later as it may be on ZOOM again.

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